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AI is here to stay, come what may.
Re: And to further add to my point -- Ihavenoname Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/03/2022, 17:33:14

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It is impossible to put the genie back in the bottle. Resolution of the issues raised in the above material are predicated on success in promoting general discussions about corporate and public policy stances which are matters of protected behavior under the U.S. Constitution and so are essentially moot. 

As political movements rise and fall, technology always endures. For better or worse (or more-accurately better AND worse) the computer age/AI will present the same possibilities for both good and bad that were created by the technologies of modern chemistry, medicine, atomic energy, LASERs etc. 

My own feelings tend to align with CG Jung, who believed that the most important issues of human consciousness and therefore, human society will not take place in our culture for at least 30 more generations (one-thousand years).

As Christian mystic GI Gurdjieff observed, the greater numbers of humanity are essentially people without much genuine consciousness.



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