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Or if you're just looking for fantasy...
Re: If it's fun you're looking for check out this list... -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/05/2022, 13:52:51

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...such as the horribly realistic nightmare visions of William Gibson in the above mentioned books by him, an irreverent romp though political INcorrectness run amok can be found in SF grandmaster Fritz Lieber's short novel, "A Specter is Haunting Texas". Lieber goes from whimsical to deadly serious writing in the same page. He also wrote the romantic adventure/sorcery Lahnkmar series the first being the novel Ill Met at Lahnkmar. The two prime protagonists in that series are swordsmen (ronin) adventurers Fharfd and the Gray Mouser (IOW an alley cat) and their sweet, brave, fun-loving girlfriends.  

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