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And to further add to my point
Re: Artificial Intelligence needs to stop -- Ihavenoname Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Ihavenoname ®

12/03/2022, 12:56:00

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TGP reports on a "digital concentration-camp" that implements "smart technologies" in many cities, even in free states like Texas and Florida.

If you watched a banned 2010 episode of Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory, called "The Police State Conspiracy," there are some parallels between the two reports.

Although the episode admittingly got the show into trouble with accusations of defamation, the overall idea is clear: anyone in higher authorities of power desire mass-control in some form.

And allowing the use of artificial intelligence will make the job easier. Not trying to push conspiracy theories, but big tech has already gotten dangerous.

People will argue that artificial intelligence has a place in academia and research areas. And they're right.

But I myself will not submit to "artificial inslavement." Doing so requires changing certain lifestyle habits and getting away from modern technologies.

No "internet of things" devices, no home automation, no "smart shacklephones," and no FascistBook, CringeTok, or any other social media sites. Lucky you to those who lived in the 70s to the early 2000s.

Unfortunately for all of us, change in society is inevitable. As long as "technologies" continue to "improve," this trend into "artificial inslavement" will only go from there.

Modern millennials are so hooked to these "big tech" wonders.

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