heh TYVM you're alright!! Keep up the great work!! | |||
Re: Excuse my poorly done pun -- Ihavenoname | Post Reply | Top of thread | Forum |
Posted by: LateForLunch ® 10/18/2022, 06:38:28 Author Profile Mail author Edit |
'Sorry as Hell to hear about what's happening in Seattle. I have a friend and family living there but my extended (step) family are 'Crats. The friend lives in the outskirts, surrounded mostly by trees. The problems they have are the ongoing rot caused by the Marxists in government, and incursions by cacogens into the outlying communities. Dire peril only is found in venturing forth to the inner cities, which are (as you know too well, IHNN) infested with poisonous, lethally-dangerous two-legged rats. My friend Steve is a conservative with serious disability (pulmonary on oxygen, permanently paraplegic) but has despite it all maintained a sense of humor. He is a miracle of the human spirit IMO a genius. You have some interesting things to post, thanks!! Can you tell us a little more about yourself? I am male, a resident of a suburb of Lost Angeles in an incorporated city not L.A. city proper. So we are not subject to exactly the same horrors of grotesque corruption/mismanagement as the city of L.A./San Fernando Valley. L.A. county government is still a powerful entity in our area, and it has sadly swung further and further hard left over the decades. It's now almost as bad as the city government itself but with less power generally. One area that's the worst afflicted by L.A. County authority is with Wuhan Flu epidemic regulations enforcement. For two years, the L.A. County Health Department mercilessly harassed Christian schools, local gyms in our town, and generally more-conservative groups during the pandemic's peaks even though we had almost zero outbreaks. This, while largely ignoring enforcement of policies in non-white, ethnic-minority-dominated enclaves where the infection rate was five times that of ours (they almost never cited leftist or black/Latino-owned organizations, only those managed by whites). I'm a "boomer" of normal weight in good health. So good that I am likely to physically attack anyone who calls me a boomer to my face. I work in the private security industry and am also a caregiver for my female housemate. Recently I caught some idiotic teen punk trying to impress his friends imitating how people walk in a store. When I noticed him imitating me, I walked up behind him without his awareness, bumped into him hard, then immediately said excuse me (as I passed close to his ear, I whispered) "How would you like to go to the hospital and to jail in that order?" and made eye contact about five inches away. I nodded glancing down at the bulge in my jacket pocket and smiled. He and his cronies left the store immediately and I never saw him again. My teeth are my own. Modified by LateForLunch at Tue, Oct 18, 2022, 07:20:12 |
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