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Heartbreaking info about Seattle. 'Crats are too insane to care that their actions are so destructive.
Re: I’m basically a native Seattle person in exile -- Ihavenoname Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

10/18/2022, 18:25:29

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One of the worst things about cacogenic 'Crats is that so few of them are able or willing to anticipate or care about the unintended consequences of their policies/actions. 

'Crats are typically horribly, lethally dangerous not only to others but to themselves. 

Sociopaths in suits. They must be expelled from any and all positions of authority/power, tarred, feathered and driven across the plains.

 If we did that, we'd have peace and prosperity for all throughout the land for ten-thousand years.  

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