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Euro (currency) continues long slide toward parity near 5-year low @109 % of USD.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

03/04/2022, 19:22:51

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The currency has hovered around 115% of USD value for five years, reaching a high of no more than 122% which held for only a few days with a low of 106%. It has lost 0.06 USD value in the last three weeks alone. 

One can remember when the Euro was @ 165% of USD valuation - resulting in a now-outdated joke from a popular SF movie. 

The joke in the disaster movie "2012" (released in 2009) was during a scene where a secret organization was selling tickets for seats on an ark-like vessel to escape a coming natural global catastrophe. In a meeting between a representative selling those seats, with a wealthy Saudi oil-prince, the benefits of purchase are explained. The Arab royal, reading from the written contract comments, "One billion dollars is a lot of money, sir!" To which the snooty rep replies dryly, "Uh, the amount is in Euros, sir!" (yuck yuck)
The joke being that the price was actually more than 50% higher than he thought it was. It would scarcely be a joke at the expense of anyone but the European Union at this point (with less than a dime's worth of difference between the USD and the Euro). 

Modified by LateForLunch at Fri, Mar 04, 2022, 21:17:10

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