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Yes, you are right. Sorry. That's Newsmax for you.
Re: Annoying article -- Robertb Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

07/26/2023, 23:43:29

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They also post a lot of stuff from AP newsfeeds that are virtually always loaded with ACF BS. 

Newsmax also has a paywall for some articles. 

The above was mostly for humor. Though hydrogen might be better made by some process with less by-products and cost.

A large scale ability to produce hydrogen without the roadblocks the ecoparanoids would certainly put up, so a super-conducting power grid could be tested might be cool. 

A whole lot of cool projects might become more feasible with a massive supply of cheap hydrogen. 

It seems many of the authors of articles that get published know nothing (or almost nothing) about the subject of the articles. Used to be "reporters" with specific expertise or knowledge were selected to write articles requiring it, but no more. So we get articles that are fact-sparse and function more as click-bait than anything. 

So probably in this case. I'll be more selective next time so I don't waste anyone's investment of effort to view it. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Wed, Jul 26, 2023, 23:45:42

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