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Fuller also liked the idea of floating massive structures using physics.
Re: Some ideas (from R. Buckminster Fuller) -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

07/29/2023, 02:13:48

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Theoretically if an enclosing structure could be built strong enough, something as large as an entire city (or lake of water) could be floated in the air by keeping the temperature inside high enough above the exterior air temperature. Hot-air balloons have proven the basic principle.

The above is similar to the fact that huge steel structures like battleships and carriers can float. Fluid dynamics govern both air and water buoyancy. Dirigibles can carry passenger gondolas that are very heavy because the trapped gasses weigh a lot less than the surrounding air - similar effect using heat (which makes internal air less-dense than surrounding cool air). 

My own favorite gizmo using that idea would be a floating lake for positioning over and draining onto large fire areas - a massive fire engine. 

The problem with that capability though might be that there would then be too FEW fires, not too many. 

Fires are troublesome for people, but beneficial to the ecosystem. Without them occasionally, dead wood builds up so much that when there finally is a burn, it's catastrophic for the ecology because it's too hot and burns too much for the land to recover easily.

That can cause desolation aka "Bidenomics". 


Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, Jul 29, 2023, 04:34:44

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