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Wise words from...George McGovern? Yep, THAT George McGovern.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

06/29/2023, 22:28:18

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Wow, just wow. Toward the end of his political career, McGovern used the massive amount of cash he made giving speeches etc, to invest in a business (tried to start a hotel/restaurant/convention center) He had an awakening to reality about business-smothering government over-regulation and the need for tort reform to reduce frivolous lawsuits. Below is a statement from the mouth of a one-time stalwart hero of the liberal Democrat movement, acknowledging reality and indirectly, his lifetime of erroneous thinking:

McGovern had made several real estate investments in the D.C. area and became interested in hotel operations.[261] In 1988, using the money he had earned from his speeches, the McGoverns bought, renovated, and began running a 150-room inn in Stratford, Connecticut, with the goal of providing a hotel, restaurant, and public conference facility.[261][274] It went into bankruptcy in 1990 and closed the following year.[275] In 1992 McGovern published his reflections on the experience in the Wall Street Journal and the Nation's Restaurant News.[274][276] He attributed part of the failure to the early 1990s recession, but also part to the cost of dealing with federal, state, and local regulations that were passed with good intentions but made life difficult for small businesses, and to the cost of dealing with frivolous lawsuits.[274] McGovern wrote, "I ... wish that during the years I was in public office I had had this firsthand experience about the difficulties business people face every day. That knowledge would have made me a better U.S. senator and a more understanding presidential contender."[2

Modified by LateForLunch at Thu, Jun 29, 2023, 22:41:11

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