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Great quote, Primo! For those who do not know, Wally "Famous" Amos was an L.A.-based cookie entrepreneur who happened to be black.
Re: "Happiness is an inside job." (Famous Amos) -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

06/28/2023, 19:01:56

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I actually met him years ago in my youth - I had a GF who lived in H-Wood and liked to go walking for exercise down Sunset Blvd. The Cookie King was doing something similar and we recognized him, greeted him and chatted for a few minutes. He was very friendly, courteous and appreciative of the attention. We didn't ask for free coupons for cookies, which I think earned us some points as "real people". We didn't want to insult him by telling him we didn't eat junk food like cookies much. heh 

I remember trying one of his store-bought chocolate chip cookies and thought it was alright - but there's nothing like fresh-baked. He made a fortune with the company. I'd bet he would have laughed derisively at the "woke" BS these days. He made his money the old-fashioned way - by working and investing his earnings back into his business. 

Gee. What a revolutionary idea.  

Modified by LateForLunch at Wed, Jun 28, 2023, 19:10:39

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