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The most evil campaign slogan goes to...
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Posted by: Ihavenoname ®

12/06/2022, 02:40:59

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“Build Back Better.”

Build Build Build

My goodness. Look at the podium label. Globalist hack Boris Johnson one time gave a speech with the words “BUILD BUILD BUILD” in big bolded tilted letters.

I don’t get why they love that slogan so much. The triple B slogan is just a nice way of saying “we’re going to destroy the world.”

I’ll change the slogan either to “Build Back Borgs” or “Borgs Back Better” because Kriminal Schwab and his elites are the real borgs (an enemy from Star Trek), the biggest threat to society. I hate the BBB slogan so much (except for my corrected ones).

It seems like they’re going to repeat that slogan over again in the following years to come.

Modified by Ihavenoname at Tue, Dec 06, 2022, 02:43:14

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