Horrible information on Maui fire. Whistleblowers are claiming they know over 1000 were killed, but are keeping it under wraps for now. Mostly children. Also, several residents on T
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Posted by: DeeDee ®

08/14/2023, 13:18:36

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Tik Tok are claiming in January the government suggested Maui to be a perfect smart city.  Smart 15-minute-city as a prime beautiful example, but the locals rejected the idea. The statement by the gov. seems to verify that the NEW CITY will be different, once the gov. rebuilds.  Who knows, but I wouldn't doubt it.

On the other hand, some realtors are saying folks like Oprah, Spielberg et. al. are rushing in to purchase the properties, actually having agents call the displaced citizens to request they sell. Where does that leave BLACKROCK?


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I saw that on the news and as horrific as it sounds, I can easily believe it.
Re: Horrible information on Maui fire. Whistleblowers are claiming they know over 1000 were killed, but are keeping it under wraps for now. Mostly children. Also, several residents on T -- DeeDee Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Jenny ®

08/29/2023, 02:51:50

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Apparently, these people are in the way and must be disposed of.  Actions were taken months in advance of the fires and destruction and the people were blocked in and could not get out.  That has to be deliberate.   Suddenly, there are no phones, no water for the fires, no warning system of any kind, no way out.  I am now willing to believe the greedy and powerful gain their power by any method possible.  Thousands still missing but the government is not allowing anyone in to the area to search?   Something is surely amiss.  

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'Wouldn't surprise me at all. The modern world is quickly becoming a William Gibson SF novel.
Re: Horrible information on Maui fire. Whistleblowers are claiming they know over 1000 were killed, but are keeping it under wraps for now. Mostly children. Also, several residents on T -- DeeDee Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

08/14/2023, 15:33:58

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In his nightmare vision, corporations merge with governments to trample under foot, exploit or eradicate anyone who is not connectedto the plutocratic oligarchies.

Frank Herbert had a similar nightmare - that the modern world would revert to form (free-representative republics are the exception, fascist, plutocratic oligarchy is the global normal throughout history) but with the added factor of high-technology to enable tyranny.   

Modified by LateForLunch at Mon, Aug 14, 2023, 15:37:05

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