Vegas investigative journalist murdered in front of home. Hmmmm.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

09/05/2022, 11:56:59

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Police: Las Vegas Journalist Dies in Stabbing outside Home |

I'll admit that there are sometimes pure coincidences. People like this reporter who covered a whole long list of people who might have motive, opportunity and resources to put a hit on him, may really have just pissed-off some random vagrant outside his residence and gotten shanked. Maybe it was a meth-head (meth is everywhere, commonly associated with second-degree urban murders) who didn't care for the reporter's attitude. 

Yet, I can't help but think of the vast number of people who might well want this guy dead and think that one of them could easily have taken advantage of possibility that the LVPD might swiftly classify it as a "random murder" and stop looking for any conspiracy.

How easy would it be for someone with means/connections or just a lot of hate who wants revenge, to hire a meth head or dress as a bum themselves? They could wait outside the target's residence then start a tussle, shank him. 'Takes about thirty seconds to murder someone with a knife if one is strong, brutal enough and knows what they're doing. No witnesses have come forward (at this time).  

Overworked, low-motivation detectives sometimes look for reasons to declare "random murder," do a cursory investigation, then shelve it permanently when no leads appear. 'Never comes up again.  

We may never really know if it was a hit. That's the problem with efficient assassins - if they are really good at it, they will leave no substantial leads for cops to follow. The longer the list of possible enemies, the less chance of finding out who dunnit. 

What I DO know is that if I were an "investigative reporter" covering politicians, organized-crime, dirty cops in Vegas, I'd wear body-armor with a plate, live in the middle of nowhere with no neighbors within ten miles, move frequently and take a different route to/from work every day. I'd also buy/lease a bullet-proof (bomb-proof?) Humvee if I want to go driving around. Then hire a body-double to take it to the wash or mechanic. heh  

Modified by LateForLunch at Mon, Sep 05, 2022, 16:22:10

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Democrat suspect charged with murder after his DNA, photos of him and his veh prove he was at crime scene. ACF mass media doing backflips to avoid reporting.
Re: Vegas investigative journalist murdered in front of home. Hmmmm. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

09/09/2022, 10:13:02

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No major so-called "news outlets" except Fox et al, are reporting anything about the murderer (named Teles) being a Democrat. Not surprisingly, the motive for the murder is that the reporter did stories revealing Teles's corruption which of course helped to destroy his candidacy for some local office. 

The murderer was so inept that he was photographed at the crime scene around the TOD, wearing a very flimsy disguise, used his own vehicle as the get-away car, and left his DNA (cut himself/bled when he knifed the victim). 

Another 'Crat genius. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Fri, Sep 09, 2022, 10:27:50

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" The murderer was so inept . . .." -- Gee, ya think?
Re: Democrat suspect charged with murder after his DNA, photos of him and his veh prove he was at crime scene. ACF mass media doing backflips to avoid reporting. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Russ Walden ®

09/09/2022, 13:03:26

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Most murderers are, I've noticed.
Re: " The murderer was so inept . . .." -- Gee, ya think? -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

09/13/2022, 04:59:02

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Murder is one of those crimes which seems often to appeal to the dumbest of the dumb. Aside from arson or vandalism, there are few crimes easier to commit than murder. Even a moron can murder someone successfully - as long as they are too stupid to care if they get caught.  That's why they are in a position of choosing to murder in the first place - being too dumb to live (much less make an honest living). 

Modified by LateForLunch at Tue, Sep 13, 2022, 05:01:22

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