What exactly has CHANGED for the 'Crats in regard to Dopey Joe Biden?
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

08/06/2022, 21:33:49

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I mean, nothing regarding his basic condition has changed at all. He may have gotten a minuscule bit worse in his impairment, but not much. 

So one naturally wants to ask all who supported Xiden when he ran for president knowing full well that he was horribly impaired, what suddenly makes him unacceptable to be the democrat nominee for president!?! 

If his condition hasn't changed much at all (it clearly hasn't, it was obvious to everyone back then that his mind was seriously jacked-up three years ago) then what else has changed? WHy is Xiden NOW considered an unsuitable candidate to the 'Crats!?! 

Hmmm. Could it be the POLLING NUMBERS??? Nawwww...

You mean to tell me that the 'Crats would actually nominate someone whom they knew (or should have known) was significantly impaired to be POTUS? Then turn against him because and ONLY because he is no longer popular? NOT because he is too impaired to be president - just because he's not popular enough to be reelected!!!

That sure says a shit-load about the basic (im)morality of the 'Crats in regard to the People of United States whom they claim to love.. Love apparently means they INFLICT an unfit man on the nation whom they KNEW to be severely impaired.!! Then they love the country so much they then discard the same lame bastard when and ONLY WHEN HIS USEFULNESS TO THE PARTY as a politician ceases. 

So clearly we can depend on the 'Crats to put their own political imperative (winning an election) over the best interests of the nation (having a president who is mentally/physically fit). 

Also, the monstrous way Biden's wife and countless others exploited him (and continue to do so) solely for their own personal/political benefit. Exploit him knowing full well that he is suffering moderate-to-severe dementia. 

Talk about cold-blooded, calculating reptiles...SMFs abound in the ACF senior ranks. 

The party of cacogenic leaders and constituents. Great.  

Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, Aug 06, 2022, 23:02:30

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I guess it is the speed of the decline is getting too hard to hide
Re: What exactly has CHANGED for the 'Crats in regard to Dopey Joe Biden? -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: robertb ®

08/07/2022, 21:33:30

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The first year he did much better in hiding it than i expected.
The very easy schedule and friendly press helped to be sure, but they kept him from being too obviously messed up, to the crat voters.

Now, even with a year of practice hiding it, they can't anymore. I think it is getting worse quickly and they know it can't go on long enough to win in 2024.

His handlers are desperate to hold him together until Nov elections. 2 more years of this getting worse is more than even the few semi realistic crats will vote for. 

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Good points, RB! 'Looks like they can't use the pandemic to hide him in the basement for another two years.
Re: I guess it is the speed of the decline is getting too hard to hide -- robertb Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

08/08/2022, 10:40:08

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Despite Herculean efforts to use government (Fauci et al) and their willing savants in the private sector to prolong the pandemic indefinitely, infection numbers and most-importantly ICU/death-rates are going down. 

Not even returning to the skewed, idiotic habit hospitals adopted of recording everyone who "tests positive" for Wuhan Flu as being hospitalized for it primarily (to get $$$ from the government) has kept the number high enough to restore shut-downs/mask mandates (i.e., wide-spread panic). 

So if Xiden runs for reelection he will for the first time have to actually campaign. Credit to the 'Crats for recognizing that the more the public sees the pathetic condition of their candidate, the less votes they will get. Points to them for understanding the need therefore to keep Xiden in isolation or use other methods to hide him away.  

It is also looking like the entire purpose for the of the Darkness at Noon / January Sixth commission Kafkaesque show-trial has collapsed. The whole point was to bring charges against and convict Donald Trump of crimes to prevent him from running for president. No tiki. No charges have been brought (since Trump clearly violated no laws in his handling of the riots), so the whole stupid affair seems to have been a complete waste of time for the 'Crats (losing them as many votes as it got them). 

The public seems to be getting that the paradigm for the 'Crats continues to be that whatever is best for the country is bad for the 'Crats (except the ongoing recession). 

The 'Crats seem to be as Hunter Thompson might well have put it, "jumping for the Great Sky Hook". That's Thompson's term to describe a political strategery (sic) to try for an impossible configuration of "ideal outcomes" which will give them victory or else cause their side to be effectively "impaled" on the sharp steel hook in the effort to be lifted to heaven. 

The 'Crats must somehow do everything in their power to wreck the economy by piling on needless, idiotic spending (the latest bill the tax-and-spend 'Crats rammed down everyone's throats) yet also prevent the recession from continuing. I wish them luck with that. 

They must convince the voting public of a vast array of wild lunacy in order to get the most votes, and that is a steep, slippery slope to climb. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Mon, Aug 08, 2022, 12:38:30

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