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Posted by: Chelle ®

06/30/2022, 12:17:24

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Hi all, I FINALLY got a chance to come on the board.  With COVID et. al., busy life.  I have NOT talked to Tee since about the first part of the year or maybe even the end of last year.  A longtime friend of his had asked me about him on Facebook at that time and I said I hadn't talked to him in quite a while. (He is RARELY if EVER on Facebook). Tee NEVER answers his phone so I called his roommate, Joe's landline and Joe told him he had a call.  Tee asked who it was and refused to take the call.  about a week later, I got a rather "cryptic email" from him and I haven't talked to him since.  I checked the posts the other day (Tuesday) and noticed he hadn't posted ANYTHING since February.  This is NOT like him and not sure what to do.  Any suggestions?  I have phone #s, email addresses and physical addresses but if I call law enforcement on this as far as a "welfare check," then I will never hear the end of it.  His roommate Joe and I do NOT have a good relationship. 

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Barry PS
Re: Teebone -- Chelle Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Chelle ®

06/30/2022, 12:22:26

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Hey guys, I just checked the Instant Message on Facebook that I had with the long time friend of Barry's and it was back in August 2021 around the middle of the month; so I have not heard from Barry since the end of August 2021?  I'm NOT liking this at all!

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TYVM!! Mucho appreciado.
Re: Barry PS -- Chelle Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

07/01/2022, 22:40:02

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Thanks, Chelle.
Re: Barry PS -- Chelle Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Russ Walden ®

06/30/2022, 13:14:53

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