Racist murderers on both sides keep being exploited by extremists.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

05/15/2022, 21:22:37

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The entire thing of supremacists going on murder sprees reminds me of history of the tete'a'tete of mutual race-hate raids that went on in the 1800s. It was common when blacks lived in their own enclaves in proximity to mostly-white ones, for there to be raids (violent attacks) back and forth between the communities. Sometimes they were really racially motivated and in a cycle of retaliations that was endless. 

Often though, people who murdered someone of their own race for personal reasons, would try to cover it up by making it appear that someone of a different race had done it - stoking the violence further. 

Black supremacists and white supremacists are both identical in terms of psychology - both tend to be narcissists whose infantile focus is on their own "feelings" (latent psychotic process) in which they convince themselves (or are convinced with the help of others) that people they have never met or know, deserve to be punished by being murdered. 

So detachment from reality (delusional ideas-of-reference) make them identical in a psychological sense. 

There is always a repository of insular racist hatred incipient in any large population with mixed ethnic demographics. So such incidents are always going to happen (emotional illness is epidemic). 

Non-extremists must resist the temptation to be seduced into believing that somehow retaliatory violence is the solution to breaking the cycle. God knows, it's not. 

But people are reluctant to listen to God. They have ears but hear not, eyes but see not, neither do they understand. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sun, May 15, 2022, 21:30:15

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The one in Buffalo was a nut case. He said he's a left-wing "authoritarian" and ranted on all sides of all issues. However, there are crazies who will do these things over any issue they deem worthwhile....
Re: Racist murderers on both sides keep being exploited by extremists. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Dee Wee ®

05/17/2022, 15:54:44

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The analyses I have seen from shrinks find an internal (psychological) compulsion to engage in violence is the driving force, not ideology.
Re: The one in Buffalo was a nut case. He said he's a left-wing "authoritarian" and ranted on all sides of all issues. However, there are crazies who will do these things over any issue they deem worthwhile.... -- Dee Wee Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

05/18/2022, 02:42:21

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So the motivation for killing people they have never met is a clearly psychotic (unreal) belief that their victims deserved to be punished with murder. 

Intense (yea, homicidal) hatred for people one cannot possible have known well, is known as "schizoaffective" (schizo / detached from reality plus "affective" / emotional effect). 

Ideas-of-reference (what the principle experiences as Truths of transcendent importance) drive schizoaffective rage. Typically such types externalize personal feelings of humiliation, inadequacy, inferiority projecting some of their own bad qualities onto others. Paranoia ensues when one comes to believe that others are conspiring against them purposefully. 

That's why it's often regarded as "paranoid/schizophrenia".  

The ethnic or ideological supremacist convinces himself that others are conspiring against him and all others "like him", ruminating ideas-of-reference frequently aided by militant, fanatical writings/media. 

That formula holds true for anything from anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti, ethno-supremacists, muzz-Twelvers/Wahabi terrorists - countless others for whom ideological avenues were merely the street where the out-of-control car of their mind careened into as it hurtled toward violence.

 IOW, if the specific political/ideological events had not attracted them as a good reason to slaughter innocent people, they would have readily found another. 

One of the first principles of human motivation is that people will inevitably find what they are looking for - which is to say, if a person has a strong enough need to solve a psychological issue through violence, they will somehow "discover" a reason. 

"Unconscious material seeps upward like water penetrating a  structure from below." - CG Jung  

"Those who absolutely deny any effect upon them by their unconscious material are the ones most likely to be completely consumed by it." - CG Jung  

Modified by LateForLunch at Wed, May 18, 2022, 02:59:18

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