What's your address? I'll send you one!
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Posted by: TEEBONE ®

12/24/2021, 14:16:15

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NE: Guns don't belong on Christmas cards
Submitted by: mark@keepandbeararms.com">Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com

He laid an ammo can on the ground in the sand and fired one round into it. The can shot up in the air about 3 feet, and was propelled backwards about 10 feet. He then showed us the entry point of the bullet, a small maybe 1/2-inch diameter hole and the exit point, a 6- to 7-inch massive, jagged hole. He then told us that he demonstrated on a metal, ammo can what it would do to a human body.

Comment by: PHORTO (12/24/2021)
You have the right to be offended, and I have the right to offend you.

Wadda country!


Liberty is paramount. Government is an afterthought.

Democrats wouldn't buy a clue if it was government subsidized.

Liberals are people who stand on their heads and insist that the world is upside-down.

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Hoplophobes eternally seek to exploit the human weakness for using government power to expand their own ego...
Re: What's your address? I'll send you one! -- TEEBONE Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/24/2021, 15:53:35

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... to wit, the application of government force to compel OTHERS to do things, never to limit themselves. 

In a psychological sense, Statists (ACFs*) in general want to expand more ego into government, while conservatives and other normal people want to reduce or limit ego (with Natural Law in place for objective boundaries). 

Laws are a kind of force - any time one wants another law, they are inviting government to use more force to make unwilling people do things they don't want to do. 

Genuine democracy (representative rule) is about reaching a consensus which reflects the desire of the majority of people participating in the elective process, not the appointment of an "elite committee" to usurp the decision-making process on the pretense that those who elect them are incompetent. 

This is another stark reminder of the basic psychological/philosophical difference between people who genuinely believe in the U.S. Constitution and the freedoms/protections from government oppression it enshrines, and those who merely want an oligarchy which enforces ego-driven, arbitrary, sleazy (amoral) dicta. 

* ACFs = Anti-Conservative Fanatic(s)

Modified by LateForLunch at Fri, Dec 24, 2021, 16:00:19

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