This guy wears shades when he looks in the mirror so he won't be blinded by his own brilliance.
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Posted by: TEEBONE ®

12/24/2021, 13:14:02

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NY: Second Amendment explained for the masses
Submitted by:">Mark A. Taff

The purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect the ability of each state to call up its army. It precludes the new central government from disarming the people of the state. It was not intended by its framers, its framers being the states, to prevent the states from regulating firearms or to frustrate each state’s normal police powers to protect the health and safety of their communities.

An individual’s right to bear arms, to the extent such a right exists, may be based on historical precedent or traditional usage or state law, which precedent or usage or state law can be recognized and upheld by the central government.

Comment by: PHORTO (12/24/2021)
Condescending legerdemain.

As was pointed out in commentary, the right is grammatically isolated in the operative clause, which is in and of itself a full sentence:

"The right of the People to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

The amendment specifically brushes aside the 'collective right' argument by its very structure.


Liberty is paramount. Government is an afterthought.

Democrats wouldn't buy a clue if it was government subsidized.

Liberals are people who stand on their heads and insist that the world is upside-down.

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Extremely well-stated response, Primecut!
Re: This guy wears shades when he looks in the mirror so he won't be blinded by his own brilliance. -- TEEBONE Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/24/2021, 16:09:01

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Hillsdale College et al, are masters at 'splainin' to well-intentioned 2A supporters (as the one above) how to avoid specious arguments to support what is already supported. 

I used to be among that group who intuitively knew there was a rational basis for the 2A but lacked the foundational understanding of U.S. Constitutional Law to articulate it clearly. 

My edumacation was assisted greatly by joining Right Minds and reading the posts on 2A issues.

The U.S. Constitution is an almost -unfathomably masterful, exquisitely-designed document which is, if enforced as written (backed by the Federalist Papers) an efficient bastion against the tide of chaos/slime that ever seeks to engulf the USA.  

Trying to "improve" the Constitutional protections of 2A with embellishments, is like chipping graffiti into a flawless, rock-solid concrete wall, thinking they "strengthen" it whereas in realty they only etch small cracks/fissures on the surface of what is already an unassailable, solid, permanent barrier.  

Modified by LateForLunch at Fri, Dec 24, 2021, 16:30:45

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