Victor Davis Hanson: Third-Worldizing America -- Zerohedge
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Posted by: Russ Walden ®

12/04/2021, 09:27:12

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Victor Davis Hanson: Third-Worldizing America

A long, and troubling, read.

Some excerpts:

"After traveling the last 45 years in the Middle East, southern Europe,
Mexico, and Asia Minor, I observed some common characteristics of a
so-called Third-World society. And all of them might feel increasingly
familiar to contemporary Americans.

Whether in Cairo or Naples, theft was commonplace. Yet property crimes were almost never seriously prosecuted."

"Third Worldization reflects the asymmetry of law enforcement.
Ideology and money, not the law, adjudicate who gets arrested and tried,
and who does not."

Not good, and not looking to improve any time soon.


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Preparing for a Second Dark Age
Re: Victor Davis Hanson: Third-Worldizing America -- Zerohedge -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/04/2021, 15:11:26

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SF author Arthur C. Clarke was no small intellect. He predicted that the civilized world would be subject to a complete collapse in the late 21st or early 22nd century. The collapse would be of "civil infrastructure" i.e., all of the things that separate us from the animals. This collapse would proceed (according to Clarke) like a domino line and would include every so-called "civilized" nation in the world including all of the nations comprising the current Western Hegemony.  

Clarke thought what would likely precipitate the process of collapse would be some sort of global catastrophe. It could be   another pandemic for which no vaccine can be found such as one bioengineered. That is a very credible possibility because some viruses mutate much faster than others. The average virus mutates about 1 million times faster than the human genome but there are viruses that mutate HUNDREDS of times faster than that. 

An example of a virus that mutates much faster than say one of the novel coronaviruses that have come out of the PRC over the last century and a half, is HIV. Corona viruses cause the Wuhan Flu, but the virus that causes AIDS is a different kind called a retrovirus. A retrovirus could possibly serve as a template for some asshole to create a virus for which no vaccine can be made. Retroviruses and rhinoviruses mutate so fast, that by the time a vaccine is created for the dominant strain, it will have already mutated into another strain.* 

The problem with vaccines is that they are very much strain-specific. IOW, each vaccine must be tailored to the specific strain of virus targeted or it won't work. The reason no vaccine has ever been created for the common cold or AIDS is that the viruses that cause those diseases mutate so fast, that by the time a vaccine is generated, the virus has already mutated to an entirely different genome for which the vaccine is worthless. 

That's why no vaccine has ever been found for either HIV or the common cold. 

Eventually some bright lunatic may well be able to figure out how to use gain-of-function to modify some retrovirus or rhinovirus and release it into the world. Imagine a virus as contagious as the common cold but as deadly as AIDS (AIDS has a roughly 50% fatality rate, and it would be much higher without anti-viral drugs).

That would be truly catastrophic because the result would be very much like the result of the other great plagues in the era before modern vaccines existed. The Bubonic Plague wiped out 1/3 of the population of Europe. The Spanish Flu (which was actually originally started by Chinese workers living in Spain) killed possibly as many as 50 million people. Spanish Flu had only a 10% fatality rate and infected roughly half a billion people. 

In Clarke's scenario, a trigger event like a plague is just the first step in the process of total global collapse. After the plague hit, nations on the brink of collapse due to inability to support their populations biological needs, would experience total internal collapse. They would swiftly degenerate into military oligarchies - survival needs would doubtless drive some nations with thermonuclear weapons to use them on neighbors to prevent them from plundering their own dwindling supplies. 

So the result would be a plague-ridden world without hope of a vaccine, which was increasingly violent, lawless and without infrastructure to supply the biological needs of the world's population. 

Clarke thought that the likely result of this scenario would be the technological paralysis of the Human Race for at least two or three centuries. No technology would be developed, no scientific progress at all. Science would grind to a halt because there would be no funding or infrastructure to support research.  

In addition to that, obviously no progress would be possible on a global asteroid defense (which we are just now taking the first baby steps toward creating), and we are already in a desperately perilous situation in that regard. See, if we detected a ELE object (6 kilometers or larger of solid material  @ 35,000 MPh velocity) today that had an impact ETA less than 25 years away, it is extremely unlikely with existing technology, that we could divert it in time. In that event the destruction would be total - the human race would likely become extinct. 

* The variants of Covid-19 have been fairly simple and therefore either killed by vaccines for other variants or fairly easy to build a new vaccine to combat. The strains that emerge from HIV or Rhinoviruses are so complex that vaccines not specifically targeting the precise strains are useless. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, Dec 04, 2021, 15:37:16

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You guys are really hitting the nail on the head. It's all being planned this way....
Re: Preparing for a Second Dark Age -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Dee Wee ®

12/04/2021, 15:37:41

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I hear you...
Re: You guys are really hitting the nail on the head. It's all being planned this way.... -- Dee Wee Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/04/2021, 22:40:12

Author Profile Mail author Edit so far as the ACFs of the world WOULD do most of what is described above if they could (especially in Russ's post) or be more-than-willing to risk the catastrophic global collapse of my own post in pursuit of their psychotic Utopian fantasies. 

The danger is that most of the current Marxist and ACF strategery (sic) is based on sewing, aggravating and sustaining chaos in the Free World (yea, the entire world if necessary). 

Many (most) normal people still do not yet fully grasp just how horribly, lethally dangerous Marxists and other ACFs really are. The sewing of chaos is guaranteed to generate the worst evils imaginable for innocent people and nations. 

It is exactly that habit (addiction to) fomenting then trying to exploit chaos (instead of reversing it, as conservatives and other normal people want) which makes Marxists and other ACFs so horribly destructive. They are not just harmless, bumbling clowns without make-up. 

The ACFs are more like hijackers who take over a ship, then simply let it steer itself even if it veers onto rocks - so long as the rightful owners never regain control.  

Destruction is the only thing Marxists and their enablers have ever done well. In that sense they are almost-purely agents of Satanism. History has shown that over and over and over again. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, Dec 04, 2021, 22:55:45

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I see your points, but I do not see a workable solution.
Re: I hear you... -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: robertb ®

12/07/2021, 20:45:58

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Those on the Left in power think they can rig the game so they get the benefit but pull it back from the brink before they have to suffer.
Those on the Left out of power are taking advantage to get what they can and damm the consequences, or even as you say encourage the destruction.
Those on the Right in power think they can play nice with the Left in power to share the benefits.

That leaves those of us on the Right without power to see it all coming, and yet not see a solution. Election of Right Minded people is rarely possible now and even if we do so, they get corrupted so fast we make no sustainable gains.

So what is the solution? Join the band in playing while the ship sinks?

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Cue: David the Robot (Michael Fasbender): The trick William Potter, is not minding that it hurts
Re: I see your points, but I do not see a workable solution. -- robertb Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/08/2021, 03:39:29

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That line was one of several mystical references in Prometheus. Director Ridley Scott always seems to like to throw one or two into his films. To me it looked like Prometheus had more than a few.  

In the original Alien there was a poignant moment when Ripley had triggered the self-destruct of Nostromo, only to regret it then desperately try to cancel it. She is standing in a corridor surrounded by catastrophe, cacaphony, chaos, screaming in frustration at the ship's computer named "Mother", to cancel the self-destruct. The countdown proceeds calmly despite her child-like pleading - a metaphor for how many immature or abused teen (girls) feel toward what seem to them dissociated, emotionally-unavailable mothers. 

As I have been taught, we who think of ourselves as moral (good) fight the good fight - the ultimate outcome is not our concern, but that of the Almighty. 

That is the up-side of Calvinism - one no longer need be attached to the fruits of one's endeavors (karma) - only to the perfection of the human soul in the process of realizing aspirations (dharma).

We as conscious beings often have little control over what we perceive/experience - we do have control over which of our perceptions/experiences we choose to focus our awareness upon. 

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What the really young minds full of mush don't realize is that they will be the captives paying for all of this. Parents have been asleep at the wheel. They will also see the results of their ignorance. So sad, it was a beautiful run while it lasted.
Re: I hear you... -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Dee Wee ®

12/06/2021, 15:59:34

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In Scottsdale AZ. students are being told to get rid of their "dead" names; the names their parents gave them. Over the week end, a group determined the police should be defunded and Christmas should be abolished.

This is a pretty well-to-do suburb of Phoenix. Do you suppose it's something in the jab? Nah, it's been creeping up slowly for years and being ignored.

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