Anyone watch the Prosecution closing where Binger held up the AR, put his finger on the trigger and mussels the entire jury? Can anyone say BALDWIN?
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Posted by: Dee Wee ®

11/15/2021, 18:07:46

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That and other comments were all over Twitter over that photo.
Re: Anyone watch the Prosecution closing where Binger held up the AR, put his finger on the trigger and mussels the entire jury? Can anyone say BALDWIN? -- Dee Wee Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: robertb ®

11/15/2021, 21:06:45

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One of the first lessons I learned about respecting weapons. He only proves people one the left really should never own guns.
Re: That and other comments were all over Twitter over that photo. -- robertb Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Dee Wee ®

11/16/2021, 13:16:27

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Forensic observations of Binger's reactions to defense close...
Re: That and other comments were all over Twitter over that photo. -- robertb Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

11/15/2021, 22:21:29

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...watching the video of the defense close, I noticed the prosecutor (fully visible seated directly in back of defense lawyer as he is speaking) reacting subtly to some of what is being said by the defense. One of the more-telling reactions was when defense referrred to Rosenbaum's violent, purposefully-aggressive behavior on video of the rioting. The prosecutor's face flinches involuntarily, then knowing he is being watched, he adjusts his facial expression to try to "look casual" he slightly smirked, looked down at something, IOW away from what is being shown to the jury by the defense as if to "make it go away"

Then after that reaction, he lifts his hand to scratch a sudden itch on the back/top of his head. 

Forensically speaking, wincing, looking down/away, and scratching a sudden itch are ALL signs of strong dismay, anxiety in people. He developed that strong itch immediately after looking down/away from the evidence on the screen and trying to look casual after wincing  - a sudden itch is a common  involuntary response to suppressing strong humiliation/emotion. People often get a sudden strong itch when reacting to something embarrassing/uncomfortable they are thinking or hearing. 

Even though the prosecutor is not on trial, if he were being interviewed as a suspect by trained forensic examiners, all of the above reactions would register as "indication of strong anxiety, displeasure, concealment of true emotions". IOW, he reacted that way to the Rosenbaum evidence/video of him rioting, because it was of deep concern/humiliating to the failure of the prosecutor's case. 

The prosecutor KNOWS that his attempt to rehabilitate the rioter Rosenbaum in the eyes of the jury was likely a complete failure. That was why he reacted so strongly (with wincing, twitching and a strong itch on the top of his head) when the defense began focusing on Rosenbaum with the riot video. 

The prosecutor sort of already knows what probably killed his case - trying to make rioters like Rosenbaum et al look like normal, non-violent people being victimized. He must have known that was impossible before his case started, and having to sit there and watch the defense review what will later likely be viewed as one of the most-disastrous aspects of his case caused him to react with strong emotion that could not be concealed from observation. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Mon, Nov 15, 2021, 22:34:27

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Too bad a CCW juror didn't shoot the dumb shit. That would be legal self defense.
Re: Anyone watch the Prosecution closing where Binger held up the AR, put his finger on the trigger and mussels the entire jury? Can anyone say BALDWIN? -- Dee Wee Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Russ Walden ®

11/15/2021, 19:39:38

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I LOVE THAT! What a great thought!
Re: Too bad a CCW juror didn't shoot the dumb shit. That would be legal self defense. -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Dee Wee ®

11/16/2021, 13:17:38

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Yeah, with his finger on the trigger - like an ignorant fool.
Re: Too bad a CCW juror didn't shoot the dumb shit. That would be legal self defense. -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

11/15/2021, 22:48:22

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You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. 

After being acquitted of all charges, the Socialist State will refuse to permit justice that contradicts their narrative, so the DOJ will file federal charges against Kyle. 

That will cause several things to happen. One of the biggest and first reactions will be public outrage - to which the Xiden regime has already demonstrated a suicidal indifference. So the DOJ will without question try to get Kyle on other charges. That will cause a political backlash which will further damage the regime's popularity. 

Maybe they will need to dig that trench to track the Xiden' regime's approval ratings. 

another thing that will inevitably happen is a crowd funding site will be started to make Kyle a millionaire. He will come out of this entire witch hunt a millionaire, so he will have some compensation for being  Kafkaesque martyr by being attacked by the full weight of a deeply corrupt political regime. 

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They won't permit a crowd funding site. All of those for his defense costs were taken down by the platforms. (aka Lefties)
Re: Yeah, with his finger on the trigger - like an ignorant fool. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: robertb ®

11/15/2021, 23:50:26

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I'm getting emails from his mom and Eddie Gallagher on his behalf. I contributed that way.
Re: They won't permit a crowd funding site. All of those for his defense costs were taken down by the platforms. (aka Lefties) -- robertb Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Dee Wee ®

11/16/2021, 13:18:35

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Give it time.
Re: They won't permit a crowd funding site. All of those for his defense costs were taken down by the platforms. (aka Lefties) -- robertb Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

11/16/2021, 05:20:19

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One of the reasons the ACFs want to get rid of capitalism is that markets always find a way to circumvent oppressive efforts of governments/political movements to eradicate competition. 

Over the years, many conservatives have been discriminated against by one sort of fascist swine  or another. But ultimately, they were able to get funded through other platforms. 

It's the same way DJT is providing alternatives to the Marxist-controlled Twitter and other socialist media. As long as capitalism exists Marxists will never be able to eradicate opponents using the same means to support themselves (such as crowd funding) that the Marxist's enjoy. 
Like I said, give it time. Eventually (sooner than you think) Kyle will become a millionaire. I seldom make predictions about such things, but I will in this case.

It has happened before with other conservatives and other normal people who were targets of Marxist attempts to destroy them using process-punishment (government oppression). Crowd funding websites refused to sponsor them, then eventually one emerged that did enable them to participate in the gathering of income. 

Unless the laws change (i.e., the U.S. Constitution is finally eradicated) it will always be legal for people to give money to each other for any reason they like. That's one of the benefits of capitalism/private ownership that never occurs to people until they are either victims or benefactors of the situation. 

As long as it's legal, capitalism will find a way. That's because Capitalism is an extension of Natural Law while tyranny/ACF is a function of evil, which cannot withstand the Will of God.  

Modified by LateForLunch at Tue, Nov 16, 2021, 05:23:31

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That didn't take long (see above)
Re: Give it time. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

11/20/2021, 14:05:19

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Go Fund Me reversed their ban immediately after the acquittal, but refuse to respond to inquiries about why they permitted others accused of crimes to use their site to collect funding for their defense. 

Go Fund Me needs to be utterly and completely destroyed. 

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