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"firearms - . . . Russ seems almost as savvy but Teebone . . ." -- No, not hardly. Not in Teebone's class.
Re: Jaith -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Russ Walden ®

12/19/2023, 14:37:43

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I was not in his class as to firearm knowledge.  In fact, I sought his advice on two or three firearm purchases.

Tee/Barry and I were close -- or about as close as you can get in this environment.  We communicated regularly outside the forum.

Also included was Bob Mangrum, aka Capt. Scurvey.  I had a grand scheme for us to meet.  I was going to use enough of my vast accumulation of Frequent Flier Miles for the three of us to meet here and spend a few days here drinking and telling lies.  We had a lot of fun talking about it, but it never happened because Bob was so inconsiderate as to up and die before we could do it.  Barry and I were both really pissed at him for doing that.

Barry's last times (months) were not pretty.  He had a couple of medical problems that worked at cross purposes -- couldn't fix one for fear of the other.  He finally succumbed to one of them.

A truly memorable guy.

Take care,

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