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Re: He wants us to send more Money, Weapons, and even troops to Ukraine. Likens it to opposing Germany in WW2. -- Robertb Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

11/29/2023, 16:13:32

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I know he deeply despises Putin. Over time Levin often proves to be better-informed than I. That being said he is of course capable of error in some regards. I have yet to hear a consistent argument from a foreign policy POV as to why it is necessary for the US to get heavily invested in the outcome of what amounts to a bug tussle similar to the England/IRA conflict, or numerous other internecine disputes around the world.

Levin maintains that it's central to a strong foreign policy I suppose - though that is not his forte. Legal matters are his forte. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Wed, Nov 29, 2023, 16:59:20

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