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He wants us to send more Money, Weapons, and even troops to Ukraine. Likens it to opposing Germany in WW2.
Re: I haven't heard Levin speak about war or the use of military strength except in general terms. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Robertb ®

11/28/2023, 19:00:49

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Mark Levin: Ukrainians are in a fight to 'maintain their independence and their liberty'
Levin says the U.S. is providing support similar to that of the French in the American Revolution

Mark Levin 'ashamed' of US response to Ukraine invasion, urges Biden to start 'muscling up' US military 'Fifty years from now...people will look back and they will say, 'why didn’t we do more?' Levin said

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, it’s amazing that people complain about how much money the U.S is spending in Ukraine, but it’s nothing close to the amount of money government wastes on redistribution of wealth and pursing Marxist’s agendas. Some say, why is Ukraine our business? Was it our business when Germany invaded Poland in 1939?

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