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BTW, LEOs caught some robbers who raided Lululemon for more than $1 million...
Re: Good for you. When a friend from Chicago came to visit me, we went to the local Goodwill store and she purchased some Lulu Lemon, Burberry, and paid for her enttire trip with the proceeds on e-bay. My grandsons love to go "thrifting" and they pick -- DeeDee Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

09/13/2023, 19:59:35

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...and they still had the merchandise, so all they got for their trouble was a prison sentence of about thirty years. Given their 'druthers, I'd guess at least one or two of the prepetrators are regretting some of their decisions. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Wed, Sep 13, 2023, 20:00:34

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