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Update on comments section Openweb feature.
Re: Hard to say in this case, but so much SB is fully documented. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

07/23/2023, 19:48:47

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The "likes" accumulator was reduced to hundreds, then restored to thousands several times. Each time I sent an inquiry to Openweb about the change. I never got a response from them. The number of likes went from 12,600 to 126, then back to 12,000 minus the 600. Then back to 130. Then back up to 12,000 (without the missing 600 restored). It then went up to 12,100. So somehow at least 500 likes disappeared forever. 

It's interesting, but nothing more than annoying.I wonder if someone is loose in the Openweb organization sewing mischief on their Fox comments section. Wouldn't surprise me if Openweb hired a bunch of anti-conservatives who would do such things randomly if they thought they could get away with it without suffering negative consequences. 

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