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One prime indicator for being stupid is a casual attitude toward physical combat.
Re: That is my fear. -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

07/12/2023, 00:10:00

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Early in life I learned by observation mostly that regardless of who wins, all who enter into physical combat frequently are injured. 

That is scalable as they say. It is a sign of stupidity in presidents who casually commit to engaging their own nation in physical combat. 

The problem for the 'Crats is that it is impossible to conduct effective military operations without a corresponding strong foreign policy to guide/enhance its efficacy. 

The chonic inability of the 'Crats to establish a firm, consistent foreign policy based on good judgment tends to make any military actions they take uncoordinated and inefficient. 

Sort of like a surgeon who keeps opening up the patient and then having to redo the surgery over and over. The cause of the problem must be addressed fully before surgery should be considered. 

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