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King County had a history of workplace discrimination
Re: If it were not so needlessly, pointlessly destructive, it would be humorous. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Ihavenoname ®

12/10/2022, 21:18:23

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I heard one former employee left because his supervisors and bosses discriminated him due to being white (BLM-related issues). This is a topic I don't wish to discuss in great detail, but that upsets me. I'm sorry to hear that from the unfortunate ex-employee. I'm certain there are more stories of alleged workplace discrimination in King County's government, but I never worked there.


Seattle will continue to be a leftist city. They spend time expressing outrage on racial issues instead of combating crime and public safety issues.

And being a Seattle native myself, I can't help but watch my hometown get destroyed while being made fun of from Seattle leftists. No wonder the Seattle sub-reddit is toxic.

Reddit is a terrible place to discuss Seattle-related concerns, by the way.

Someone on r/Seattle correctly pointed out that the King County 911 system was broken and needed to be fixed. Then, the same user said "oh and by the way, Republicans can go **** off."

Such remark was uncalled for when discussing legitimate concerns related to Seattle. What do Republicans have to do with a safety concern?

I'm saddened that Seattle isn't a place I can call home anymore. I know what it was like during it's happier times. It seems people over there don't welcome me anymore unless I support "boiling hatred" of conservatives and agree to hurt them (obviously that's wrong).

I didn't leave Seattle. Seattle left me.

Modified by Ihavenoname at Sat, Dec 10, 2022, 22:39:45

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