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The idea that we are vastly outnumbered is I think a myth.
Re: Yes, unity of all of the good people is crucial, but we're vastly outnumbered currently -- Ihavenoname Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/02/2022, 05:36:28

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We live in an age where vast swathes of voters choose not to exercise their power collectively or even as individuals. That vast silent majority if it was mobilized effectively by the right leader, could move mountains. 

I and millions of other conservative voters originally wanted Ted Cruz to be the GOP nominee, but DJT was a suitable second choice and we voted for him. I was disappointed in his performance. The lowest score for DJT's administration would have to be for two important areas (1) Public relations (maintaining a positive, dignified persona in public affairs) and (2) function as an inspirational figure to build unity and consolidate political power blocs. 

DJT gets a "D" or "F" in those last two areas. Since DJT was elected on what was basically an "agrarian populist" platform with conservative overtones (to quote Mark Levin) he was unable/unwilling to articulate/advocate for conservative ideology/philosophy.

There is so much about conservatism that is positive, inspiring and hopeful that needs to be promulgated by political leaders but that requires that the one speaking actually has a working knowledge of the history of conservatism, Classical Liberalism, Napoleonic political values and capitalism and how those ideologies hold the promise of the best possible future for not just people as individuals but the entire planet. 

If every self-described conservative (anti-Marxist) registered voted as a unified bloc in every national election, their (our) candidates would win every time. That is how much of the power of the voters is underutilized. 

So it is not that we are outnumbered so much as that we are not active or unified enough to be effective in winning elections. 

It is likely that a significant enough percentage of non-aligned voters (Independents) would join in a strongly-led, ethical genuinely inspired conservative political movement to make it undefeatable. 

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