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No, Michael Tuffin (the O and O) is a would-be Alex Jones (without the lawsuits of course).
Re: Should I believe Real Raw News? -- Ihavenoname Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

10/06/2022, 20:25:59

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Michael Tuffin, 53 is the owner/publisher of that site. He avoids law suits by claiming it's a "parody" site. I'd steer clear unless you like fact mixed with Bravo Sierra.  

It's sort of like the worst of Info Wars combined with out-and-out fabricated click-bait that is pure fiction masquerading as authentic reporting.

    He is apparently trying to make money off credulous people who choose to believe his articles for emotional (not rational) reasons, as far as I can determine. 

    Does he ever publish correct information? Possibly. But even a broken clock is right at least once per day. The worst thing is he apparently publishes heinous fiction alongside genuine fact  - confusing people looking for legit information.

Modified by LateForLunch at Thu, Oct 06, 2022, 20:31:40

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