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I hear you...
Re: You guys are really hitting the nail on the head. It's all being planned this way.... -- Dee Wee Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/04/2021, 22:40:12

Author Profile Mail author Edit so far as the ACFs of the world WOULD do most of what is described above if they could (especially in Russ's post) or be more-than-willing to risk the catastrophic global collapse of my own post in pursuit of their psychotic Utopian fantasies. 

The danger is that most of the current Marxist and ACF strategery (sic) is based on sewing, aggravating and sustaining chaos in the Free World (yea, the entire world if necessary). 

Many (most) normal people still do not yet fully grasp just how horribly, lethally dangerous Marxists and other ACFs really are. The sewing of chaos is guaranteed to generate the worst evils imaginable for innocent people and nations. 

It is exactly that habit (addiction to) fomenting then trying to exploit chaos (instead of reversing it, as conservatives and other normal people want) which makes Marxists and other ACFs so horribly destructive. They are not just harmless, bumbling clowns without make-up. 

The ACFs are more like hijackers who take over a ship, then simply let it steer itself even if it veers onto rocks - so long as the rightful owners never regain control.  

Destruction is the only thing Marxists and their enablers have ever done well. In that sense they are almost-purely agents of Satanism. History has shown that over and over and over again. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, Dec 04, 2021, 22:55:45

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