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Forensic evidence of Baldwin's mendacity in latest interview.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/04/2021, 18:19:13

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Alec Baldwin is now on my wish list for bad things to happen
to him. I could forgive his verbal abuse of his daughter in that famous
recording she and mom played to humiliate him publicly – as many males, he probably
got screwed brutally in the divorce with Basinger (who seems as if she could be
a handful). I could forgive his infantile ACF* politics (even if he would likely
prefer to see me paralyzed for being a self-described conservative). But
killing an innocent person the way he did and then trying to throw everyone
else involved squarely/swiftly under the bus is unforgiveable.

I hope he either converts to Christianity from Satanism or
dies. Man-up motherfather - take responsibility for what you have done.You'll like yourself better in the long run.

I watched the horrifying, reptilian interview he gave recently – there was a
Niagra-Falls of forensic information in his physical affects as
related to things said by/asked of him.

See, even though human beings are very much individuals, we
are also remarkably alike in some basic ways. Verbal behavior (related to
speaking/expressing/listening) elicits amazingly similar responses in people.
This is well-known to forensic investigators such as law enforcement
detectives. One of the reasons they
record video/audio for suspect interviews is to examine their reactions forensically.

I don’t want to go into too many specifics herein because I
don’t want to give any bad person who might read this text such information.
Suffice to say that Baldwin demonstrated very conclusively IMO, that he is fully aware that he is responsible
(probably the most-responsible) for that poor woman’s death. It was clearly his
failure as a producer to do anything effective to ensure firearms mishaps did
not happen. It was most of all his failure to CHECK THE WEAPON before handling
it and eventually discharging it (pulling back the
hammer and releasing it) while pointing it at someone.

The lame (legally absurd) excuse he's selling now seems taken from the Rittenhouse trial, when that
fool who got shot in the arm obviously perjured himself testifying that he did not
deliberately point his (illegal) weapon at Rittenhouse before being shot by him. Now, coincidentally we have
Baldwin claiming that he, “never intended to fire the weapon”, remarkably
similar to that other lying bastard’s claim that he, “never intended to point
the gun at Rittenhouse’s head”. No. It was an accident that Baldwin pulled back the hammer. Sure. Whatever. 

Both of those witnesses showed obvious “tells” when they
were lying/prevaricating/deceiving. Even I, who am not a trained examiner could
easily detect them.

Sadly such "evidence' is never allowed into any courtroom - nor are polygraph test results. Courts won't allow trials to get bogged-down in "dueling experts" validating/disputing forensic evidence from interviews - so they simply exclude all such information from being presented at trial (by either side). The good news is that many smart jurors have a "sixth sense" about being able to detect when people (even skilled actors) are being deceptive - and tend to punish them. 

What Baldwin would say if given a truth serum would be, “I’m
a BIG STAR!! I’m not supposed to have to actually do ANYTHING on the set but
ACT. Checking the gun was the job of one of the LITTLE PEOPLE - you know, the “below-the-line”
peasants!?! I’m not supposed to have to actually THINK or exercise self-control/self-discipline on the set. I’M A BIG  STAR!! The little people are the ones who are supposed to
have to think and exercise self-control/self-discipline on the set. I GET TO ACT LIKE A WILD PIG IF I WANT TO!! EVERY big H-Wood star gets to act like a WILD PIG on the set
if they want to. EVERYONE knows THAT!!!“ 

Guaranteed that if Jensen Ackles, the hapless young co-star of this film handled that weapon instead of Baldwin-the-Killer-Klown, none of this would ever have happened. Mr. Ackles is known to be a very responsible Christian who was without question ready, willing and able to do whatever was required to make DAMN sure no innocent lives were put in danger on the set. It is an incidental tragedy for Mr. Ackles' career that one of the first feature films he did as a principle was ruined by Alec Baldwin's grotesque negligence.

* ACF - Anti-Conservative Fanatic

Modified by LateForLunch at Sun, Dec 05, 2021, 10:44:21

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