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I agree with Johnny AND you. The stench of corruption is so strong, I fear it could and possibly will happen again.
Re: Obviously difficult to prove. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Jenny ®

02/24/2024, 01:38:04

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The liberals are getting away with everything lately and good grief, look what they are doing to Trump and not enough is being done to stop the bull manure.  The classless trash in GA, the obese, classless smarmy worm in NY, and that clown of a judge, the demented, unhinged Jack Smith, and that nasty looking creature who got to bring charges of rape after how many years??? Statutes mean nothing, the rule of law means squat and our justice system is a damn joke.

What will the crooks attempt next?  They hate Donald Trump too much to let him win.  It doesn't fit their game plan.  

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