Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/11/2023, 20:58:21
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They have been very successful. Some of the stories they have are fairly amazing - though they haven't had to shoot anyone yet. A local woman who lived near one of their stops tried to sue them for exposing her to the cooking smoke. She was a vegetarian and claimed the aromatic smoke from their cooking was an infringement on her Constitutional rights. She lost but they had to get a restraining order on her because she started showing up harassing their customers and calling the owners of the trucks on a private phone in the middle of the night. Imagine that...a vegetarian anti-meat fanatic who was emotionally unstable...weird, eh !?! 'Cause usually people like that are so reasonable, calm, rational and sensible...
Modified by LateForLunch at Mon, Dec 11, 2023, 21:04:06