Cultural rot of anti-conservative-fanaticism (radical revolutionary socialism). | ![]() | ||
Re: The Atlanta collapse -- Russ Walden | Post Reply | Top of thread | Forum |
Posted by: LateForLunch ® ![]() 11/20/2023, 18:37:53 Author Profile Mail author Edit |
One of our officers saw a suspicious female carrying a gasoline can from a what later turned out to be an arson fire in a wildland area near a community in Lost Angeles. He contacted LAPD to inform them that he had the person under observation. They told him that they "weren't interested" without much explanation, and hung up. A few days before the fire, I personally ran into a woman who matched the description of the woman with the gas can very close to the burn area. She was lurking in bushes on private property and I compelled her to leave. She looked like a dude until you got up close - obviously Lesbian. Her eyes/expression looked INSANE at the time and I kept by distance and tried to be as polite as I could because I sensed she was highly tense (coming off meth most likely). It was probably the same woman who started the fire (to "get back at" society no doubt) and because the cops knew she was homeless, they deliberately didn't want to pursue her as a suspect. So she was allowed to leave the neighborhood carrying the gas can without being even detained nor questioned by LAPD.
Modified by LateForLunch at Mon, Nov 20, 2023, 18:40:17 |
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