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Biden acknowledges: Sun rises in the East, and he has 7 Grandchildren
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Posted by: Russ Walden ®

07/29/2023, 12:18:49

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Joe and Jill Biden finally acknowledge 7th grandchild for most obnoxious reason

Yeah, well, no shit Mr. pResident, a bunch of us already knew that, you dishonest, immoral sonuvabitch.


LFL, fyi:

I have no grandsons, which I regret.  (I do have six granddaughters.)

I do however have a great-grandson.  Actually, I have two great-grandsons if I count the one that is half-black. (Dominican)

So, if Joe asks me how many great-grandsons I have, what should I tell him?

It's a puzzle.

Take care,


Modified by Russ Walden at Sat, Jul 29, 2023, 13:04:56

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