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The moral turpitude of the left is well established. They no longer even bother to give lip service to being objective.
Re: Lately I've been finding humor in what I'm observing. It helps me get thru the mess. Another interesting observation was in watching -- DeeDee Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

07/21/2023, 23:25:40

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This is one of the more alarming things about the degeneration of the democrat party into a blatantly Marxist, anti-American party. It makes me believe that they KNOW the fix is in and that votes no longer matter, because they have an iron-clad strangle-hold on the voting process which will guarantee them victory in every major national election from now on. 

The lack of scrutiny on the voting process since it want electronic has always been one of my most distressing concerns. I am fairly well-informed, and even I am totally without information about how the electoral process is secured, protected or monitored. 

Why has there never been any in-depth mass media coverage of the conversion from paper ballot-based voting to electronic voting. Am I the only person in the United States with curiosity or significant concerns about this???

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