Cluster bombs are a problem 50 years later in Laos. Children have been killed by them. 100 countries outlawed them. I was for Zelensky when this entire thing began but as the truth began to come out, I've changed my stance.
Re: Xiden figures dumping hundreds of billions of $$$ into Yugoslavia worked for Slick Willie,'s worth a shot, right? -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: DeeDee ®

07/19/2023, 15:05:30

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One of things I learned was that Putin told the WEF they were crazy with their globaloney and wanting all nations to unite as one. He told them Russia would have nothing to do with it.

I believe this is at least part of why we are at war there (admit it or not). Bush never stopped Russia from invading Georgia, Obama never stopped Russia from taking Crimea, and now Mr. Biden somehow thinks we are obliged to spend billions to stop Putin?

Retired Col. Doug MacGregor says Russia will win and hundreds of thousands of innocent lives will have been destroyed.  There is something about Ukraine. I've heard it's the bio-labs we have there (100) or that once Clinton had them give up their nukes, the US and other oligarchs used the country for money laundering. All in all, Ukraine has had very corrupt leadership and the US as well as others have used it and abused it. I'm so done with that war. It may end up that we pay some price aside from monetary for our involvement. 

I'd say we are close to a hot war. Col. MacGregor also said so many have died, mostly in Ukraine, someone should step in and settle this. He also said this was the chance for China to saddle up with Russia. Not good.

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