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Cool article. People's actions may be separated from their worthiness of respect. God does not make useless creatures.
Re: July Fourth blessings on America, with lessons from the red, white and blue -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

07/05/2023, 02:08:06

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I draw the line at cooperating with people where they become unwilling to engage in civil discourse. That sadly leaves out virtually ever ACF, who would only teach and never learn anything (or anything else). 

The disappearance of Rational Dialectic from public policy-making debates is part of the degeneration of culture. Cacogens are the most difficult of all creatures to love, because they should damn well know better. Such can become in too many cases, worse than animals. 

I try to use psychological information to help me to love those with whom I disagree strongly. It is something to work on every day -  that is the purpose of my own prayers much of the time - to gain understanding of people in the context of God's will and to merge into alignment with it. 

A great statement from the text, "...this is not the way of the world, it is God's way." Says so much - Christians are asked to be in the world, but not OF it in regard to our morality. 

Being self-directed, honest (especially to ourselves/God) is key to success I am told by some more-adept than I. 

CG Jung (a theist) believed that understanding was a holy precept. I believe he was correct. If one truly understands either an animal or an adversary, in all but a minuscule fraction of cases, it becomes difficult to truly despise them or wish them great harm. 

The exceptions to the above belief are the reasons for the existence of firearms/weapons and the need for righteous, firm, even violent action at times in this world. Never murder, but however rarely, homicide surely. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Wed, Jul 05, 2023, 02:19:55

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