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That's what I've always thought - big marketing decisions like that go to review by senior execs.
Re: A departure of that magnitude would not have been done without CEO approval, so he owned it. -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

07/02/2023, 23:19:39

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The CEO takes input from all of the senior managers, then either pulls the trigger or pulls the plan. This fiction that a responsible CEO (or 'Crat POTUS) can sit by as a passive observer without taking responsibility is pure Marxism. 

Like the guy in the article said, in a genuine meritocracy CEOs are ultimately accountable for EVERYTHING that the company's employees do, ESPECIALLY the things that senior managers do. I've always been told that CEOs ALWAYS sign off on senior manager hires. They also are supposed to be hands-on with anything that can significantly affect "brand relevance" (market share). 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sun, Jul 02, 2023, 23:24:59

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