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A history of conspiracies
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Posted by: Russ Walden ®

03/16/2023, 14:40:57

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A history of conspiracies

[Originally published on Alex Krainer's Substack] Yesterday evening, Seymour Hersh addressed
the National Press Club in New York. The event was organized by the
Committee for the Republic which kindly invited me to attend via Zoom.
As expected, much of what Mr. Hersh covered was related to his latest
story about the Nord Stream 2 attack including much minutia about the
actual physical challenges in setting up the explosive charges to the
pipelines. What Hersh laid out made the recent New York Times story
about six pro-Ukrainian individuals with boxcutters a sailing yacht beyond ridiculous. The video, courtesy of the Committee for the Republic is in the article at the link.

"Hersh also spoke about an important CIA intelligence unit in Norway that
works with Norwegian intelligence and “monitors everything” in the
region. This unit would certainly have extensive information about the
operations in the Baltic sea, whether they were conducted by state
actors or pro-Ukrainians on a sailing boat. He pointed out that for
people who understand how the executive branch operates, the most
suspicious aspect of the Biden Administration’s conduct is that not only
did they not call for any investigation of the Nord Stream attacks,
they never even asked their Norwegian intelligence assets about it. At a
very minimum, the administration would have been expected to request a
confidential report. According to Hersh, they never even called to ask."
That inclines one to think that the "Biden" (whoever that is) Administration already knew the details.


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