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Why The Republican Party Doesn't Have A HOR Conservative Red Dog Coalition
Re: Open Letter To CPAC Re: Republican CONSERVATIVE Red Dog Coalition -- RedDogRepublican Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: RedDogRepublican ®

01/01/2023, 16:36:41

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"Divide and conquer."
Julius Caesar

Q. The Democrats created their House of Representatives CONSERVATIVE Blue Dog Coalition on February 14, 1995. Why didn't Republican Speaker of The House Newt Gingrich or any subsequent Republican House leader create the CONSERVATIVE Red Dog Coalition to take advantage of CONSERVATIVE, centrist and moderate Democrats?

A. Because the Republican Party would lose money. When there's little difference between Republican and CONSERVATIVE Democrat candidates campaign donations stop. PACs wouldn't be able to raise any money, either. It's all about the money.

Analysis: The first rough draft of the Republican House of Representatives CONSERVATIVE Red Dog Coalition exists in this thread. It will eventually become political reality - even though Republican Party leaders don't want it. Rank and file Republican voters will demand it! 

Modified by RedDogRepublican at Sun, Jan 01, 2023, 16:48:17

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