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Rates are declining again in most regions according to some stats, so stampeding the herd (because of what they HEARD from the ACFs) is not going well for them.
Re: Disgraceful Canadian health minister uses Mrs. Santa Claus to shame you for not taking the questionable shot -- Ihavenoname Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/24/2022, 14:41:21

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There was an interesting article on Newsmax - reporting that in the PRC Wuhan Flu infections reached 37 MILLION in a single day recently - interesting both because if true it is potentially alarming about their plight as a nation, and also because Newsmax may have got it wrong and published it anyway. 

There has been an immerging battle between Newsmax and Fox News - Newsmax articles often claim that Fox News is "anti-Trump" or "Never Trump". I have seen some tough reporting on DJT from Fox but not "Never-Trump" stuff. 

Newsmax is of course the tiny dog harassing the Big Dog. So some yapping and posturing just to get attention is to be expected. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, Dec 24, 2022, 14:55:08

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