Why Washington State needs gubernatorial term limits
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Posted by: Ihavenoname ®

12/15/2022, 13:24:23

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Because the incumbent doesn't do anything about rising crime, and has been governor for nearly a decade. Gov. Joker Inslee only plans to further enrich himself and continue enforcing his harmful leftist policies if elected again.

He proposes more spending on many things. I have no experience in the real estate market, so I'm not sure on the plan to build more "affordable housing." But, all of this spending will only burden the tax rate even more.

And there are NO term limits in Washington State, at least for the governor's office. Two terms is enough. Three terms is too much, Joker Inslee. And now you want to run for a fourth term?

To Joker Inslee, all you did was enjoy your time in office while disrespecting law enforcement and going after your opponents like Tim Eyman. Seattle keeps getting worse each year. And there are plenty of terrible things you did in office too, by the way.

Where did our tax money go, Inslee? Will your next campaign theme be about taking away our freedom again?

WA State residents, how about electing Tim Eyman or Glen Morgan for governor instead? If not, how about passing statewide term limits? Inslee has been governor long enough. Were you better off now than before? Not for me.

I'm surprised fatigue and frustration hasn't set in yet. Too bad all of Western Washington is liberal.

I didn't leave Seattle. Seattle left me.

Modified by Ihavenoname at Thu, Dec 15, 2022, 14:41:04

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