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An election official named “Bill Gates”
Re:'s a PRINTING company in Phoenix. Gates claimed it made signature verification easier and they only used it for mail-in and drop off ballots. I find that strange because when we sent our ballots in, they were verified within a few days. -- DeeDee Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Ihavenoname ®

11/23/2022, 11:54:11

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Yikes. A person named after the globalist dictator Bill Gates. And they both have evil agendas in common.

The slightly good news is that Lake, Hamadah, and Finchem haven’t conceded, yet.

I hope the entire state of Arizona wakes up and starts to put enormous pressure to finally stop the election theft. 

There needs to be peaceful and non-violent rallies to express outrage, but everyone needs to remember what happened at J6 and not let the same mistakes happen again.

Modified by Ihavenoname at Wed, Nov 23, 2022, 11:56:17

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