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That was completely uncalled for, unnecessary and disrespectful in many ways!! Ah goo d'wahn, Primo!! HAW!!
Re: Joke for the day. -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

07/14/2022, 20:34:23

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The dirty little secret all males know but do not admit, is that not one of us would be working if we could each find some woman willing to support us in the lifestyle to which we've grown accustomed. 

That's one of the only things I and my more-liberal ('Crat) brother agree upon - we both liked the song "Material Girl" by Madonna. I think that might actually be the ONLY Madonna song either of us like. She did not write it, which is not surprising. Everything she writes pretty much stinks.  

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