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Just in case anyone is unaware, Monkey Pox is another "gay" disease.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

05/28/2022, 16:40:50

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The feckless after-the-fact-uh-oh-squad WHO et al, are scrambling to prevent "stigmatizing" Monkey Pox because exactly like HIV/AIDS, it almost exclusively infects male homosexuals and those unfortunate enough to come into close, prolonged, intense physical contact with them.

That's right. The truth-that-must-not-be-spoken (at least by the WHO morons have bent over backwards to avoid all mention of homos in relation to the outbreak) is that this disease is of ZERO concern to anyone who is not a male homosexual or someone who has not had, "prolonged, highly intimate contact" with a homo. 

The only way to get the disease is to come into direct physical contact with an open lesion, the bodily fluids of an infected person or some other open sore on the infected person's body. 

One reason this is spreading among homosexuals is that they as a group are subject to far higher rates of indulgence in powerful recreational narcotics which mask the effects of disease and/or make people so oblivious they don't notice things like lesions or open sores on the bodies of people with whom they are "intimate". Homosexual prostitutes are (once again) one of the prime vectors. 

So just as with HIV/AIDS, Monkey Pox is perfectly suited to become a serious problem for the infamous international Gay Party Circuit where both narcotics abuse and reckless "intimate contact" are both rampant. 

'Just thought people would want to know. Thanks, homos!! For still ANOTHER plague to spread around the world. Monkey Pox could not exist without the homos to spread it!! Isn't that GREAT!?! 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, May 28, 2022, 16:46:12

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