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May God bless Barry and bring him back to us soon...meanwhile violent criminals continue to flock to where people are oppressed for defending themselves and violent criminals are a protected class.
Re: Teebone would be proud of us: Georgia is now "Constitutional Carry!" -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

04/15/2022, 15:04:16

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In Mexifornia for instance, officials like L.A. County DA Gascone (soon to be "former") have done so much damage to society that violent crime of every sort is skyrocketing with no end in sight. 

As I predicted years ago, now that the crime wave has started washing up into where the wealthy dwell (follow-home robberies have increased in L.A. by 10,000 % in the last two years) Gascone et al (other Soros-bots) are persona non grata. 

Thousands of violent criminals based in Mexifornia and elsewhere are migrating their personnel/operations to L.A. County, because the punishment they face if caught/convicted are infinitely-less. Gascone ended all gang enhancements and cash bail requirements for violent criminals (including murderers) and drug traffickers. Thanks, 'Crats!!

Even far-left 'Crats have finally jumped ship and are supporting the recall of Gascone. See, it's one thing to elect people and pass laws that victimize, "little people", but when violent criminals start preying at will on the wealthy, the wealthy take action. 

Gascone is history after the recall, but L.A. mayor "Yoga-Pants" Garcetti and Mexifornia Gov. Gavin Nuisance both think they are going to POTUS some day - even though they both supported Gascone's election enthusiastically and have defended/excused his horrendous atrocities to this day.

Modified by LateForLunch at Fri, Apr 15, 2022, 15:15:42

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