The saga of Colin Kaepernick continues (aka competing in the Toilet Bowl...)
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

04/11/2022, 12:02:35

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Weird how circling the toilet bowl can be made into a full-time job in our cacogen-infested age.

The fool has once-again been totally ignored in his pathetic (increasingly desperate) effort to become a "slave" again (he has repeatedly stated that being in the NFL is like being a "slave"). 

Commenting on this, Terrell Owens advised him to join something called the, "Fan-Controlled Football League," (apparently a step down from the XFL).

What I and doubtless millions of others would wonder is; who controls the NFL if NOT the fans? Isn't that the basic problem for K in the first place? Most NFL fans (and season-ticket-holders) polled can't STAND him and that feeling seems to be echoed by most of the NFL players (when asked anonymously). So it's not just the team owners, it's EVERYBODY. So what NFL owner in their Right Mind would want someone like Colon Kaepernick on their team (much less LEADING it as quarterback)? 


Mebbe K should go into politics, since that seems to be where his heart is...not in playing pro football!! 

Maybe even go one-step further, strap on a bomb-vest and go to work for ISIS bringing "justice" to the world!! 

I'm fairly certain the only way most NFL fans would willingly pay to see K do anything would be if he did a pay-per-view jumping into a wood-chipper. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Mon, Apr 11, 2022, 12:23:58

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