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Lost Angeles lemmings continue charge over cliff - votes to fire 3,000 (!!!) LASD deputies!!
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

02/08/2022, 14:42:41

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And make no mistake, we are not referring to back-office employees only. Of those scheduled to be fired 3,000 are sworn deputies. 

That there is no dramatic public backlash from the population (yet) is almost too horrifying to comprehend. I am in one of the few businesses which will actually benefit (at least in some ways) from such a catastrophic betrayal of the public trust. Private armed security services have never been more popular in the Lost Angeles area.

One can only hope that this is a bluff from the anti-American Marxists who comprise the majority of the County Board of Supervisors and that they will either reverse/delay the actual firing or be stopped by a judge before they can finish their destruction of the county's ability to enforce the law.  

The idea that they would enact such a draconian measure after the C-19 infections have dropped by 90% in only a couple of weeks calls into question not only their morality, but their sanity. It is for me impossible to understand any normal logical explanation other than psychotic hatred for the people of L.A. to do such a thing at this time. 

Utterly Satanic. If the country were taken over by a hostile foreign power, it could do little more to damage, demoralize and injure the people of Lost Angeles. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Tue, Feb 08, 2022, 22:14:38

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