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"I didn't get a harrumph outta that guy!"
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Posted by: TEEBONE ®

01/17/2022, 12:08:22

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Guns in public spaces should be considered madness

By Mark Bollinger January 15, 2022 07:20 AM
2-2 minutes

Let's call the North Dakota governor and the legislative body "Danger Close."
You have endorsed and signed into law "guns into the grocery store" but banned guns from the state Capitol grounds other than law enforcement.
So when someone is having a tantrum at checkout there over the pricing of an item watch out, protect your children.

But you can breathe easy for the elected officials in Bismarck, they are protected with your tax dollars.

The upper and lower house have Burgum's support for conceal and carry along with stand your ground at the check stand should outrage you. I do not believe the general welfare of the public is considered in Burgum's Second Amendment State. Just ask the parents at a school sports activity. I believe the preamble of the Constitution covers the general welfare of the people.
The infusion of guns in public space should be considered madness not governing.

Bollinger resides in Jamestown.


Liberty is paramount. Government is an afterthought.

Democrats wouldn't buy a clue if it was government subsidized.

Liberals are people who stand on their heads and insist that the world is upside-down.

Modified by TEEBONE at Mon, Jan 17, 2022, 12:15:38

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